Wednesday, September 5, 2007



Would girls actually need to be present for you to dance like you've never seen a man dance? Isn't Billy Idol enough?

You know what sucks? I mean, I know a lot of things suck, but you know what one of those things is? Asking for a raise and getting turned down. It sucks. Especially when you really feel you deserve it. And when you have told yourself that if the raise didn't come through, then you would start looking for another job. Because the only thing (in the job realm) that sucks more than not getting paid what you think you deserve at a job you genuinely don't like - is being forced (by pride or circumstance) to whore yourself out to the job market.

I can't complain about this more than is necessary, because I am well aware that I am in a fortunate position given I still have a job and it's unlikely I will be fired. But, I know you will attest to the fact that getting out into the job market demands (at some points) for you to acknowledge you are largely applying for jobs you don't even want in the first place. And if you are subjecting yourself to that sort of soul-squeezing reality, then you must actually hate your current job. And I do. I feel little to no pride in the work that we produce, I am not convinced the work has a balanced return-on-cost benefit, I think my job involves a lot more tedium than it does creativity, and there isn't even an option for me to progress to a more interesting position. This is it! This is as far as I can go. The only thing that could possibly happen is that they would give me more money. And they won't (until February at the very earliest). Fuckers. So, now I have to become a whore. I guess all of this is to say: look out Mittens... there is a new working girl on the block.

Where in the hell have you been, anyway? Are you eating any vegetables? What happened at that second interview? TELL ME EVERYTHING!!!

Don't give up on me posting either. You have no idea what I have up my sleeve... my wizard's sleeve. BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!

Heart, Monkey

1 comment:

Monkey and Morlock said...

I'm so sorry. Really. I just can't form coherent thoughts to the degree that would be required to respond. Not right now anyway. We unloaded 20 tons of freight and I'm toast. However, maybe my poem is an artistic response adequate to meet the nature of yours.
What's up this weekend? We'll suss it out over beers. Or gin.