Friday, August 10, 2007

Nothing to see here...

This is merely an observation. I've spent the past hour or so filling out job applications - by hand. The State of North Carolina has yet to jump on this spindly Interweb bandwagon and so requires job applicants to write, by hand, all application information on printed forms. My hand hurts so badly I had to stop for a bit. I can't remember the last time I wrote with a pen continuously for more than a few minutes at a time, usually while taking notes for work. But this is insane. I believe my hand has been getting plenty of exercise FROM PLAYING GUITAR. Get your minds out of the gutter. Besides, I'm a lefty when it comes to that.

One of my good buddies at my last job was the HR director, and I know for a fact he was generally unenthusiastic about hand-written applicatons simply because they were hard to read and information would often be entered into the applicant database incorrectly. It's simply inefficient. Why the state has not made the leap to either interactive online forms or if nothing else a pre-formatted PDF is just beyond me. It takes about a half hour to format a single-page PDF, and maybe another hour to set up the fields so they can be transferred to a database. Oh oh oh! And if you apply for more than one State job, you have to submit an entirely new application because none of the departments and divisions share an applicant database. What a bunch of cock knockers.

Whatever. I think I can finish now.
Applying for jobs blows buttholes, regardless of the process.

Oh, and I have listened to the remastered edition of The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway by Genesis about three times so far today. It's fantastic sounding. As epic and pompous as anything you've ever heard, but Peter Gabriel pulls it off cause he's Peter Fucking Gabriel. And shut up already, Monkey - Phil Collins was and remains a badfuckingass drummer, regardless of that Disney Tarzan abomination.

Does this thing have an effing spell checker? No? Please... Put that fucking coffee down. Coffee is for closers.

1 comment:

tko said...

Like I have a bad thing to say about Phil Collins. We named Elliot's signature drink the Phil Collins (well vodka with a splash of tap water). Plus, that one song... Against All Odds.. ohmuhgawd. I get choked up just thinking about it. And the puppets from that one video? Who doesn't love Phil Fucking Collins?