Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Praying to Zoroaster

I'd simply like to announce that I just interviewed for an information manager position with the NC state retirement system, and I do hope I get the job. It's entirely creative and problem solving stuff, no dealing with the dreaded media or city councils whatsoever. Pays more than I was making in Texas, to boot.
After six months of unemployment and or/contract work and/or manual labor, I'm actually a bit excited about this. I know I know, the warped ideology of yet another office job. But I DO enjoy the public sector so long as it isn't pointless bureaucracy. It's the social benefit angle, I suppose. I'm not working in order to make one jerk at the top of the pyramid a cash silo of cash for him to feed his cash cows. Cash.
So, for what it's worth, I hope they liked me. That was as nervous as I think I have ever been during an interview. I feel like I talked too much, although I was able to provide good, solid responses to all of their questions, and there wasn't a skill or experience they asked about that I was lacking. I also hit them with three or four good q's of my own at the end (allegedly always a Good Thing). I tried not to talk badly about my last job or the one that never happened, and I know my references will pull through (Monkey dear, I may ask if you could tell them some nice things, since they asked if I had any local, personal refs in addition to my professional ones). So there you go. Interview Number Two in NC, and the first I scored by the sole virtue of my resume and cover letter. Let's hope this trend continues, barring my landing this one.

I could use a nap, although I feel very strongly about watching Ghostbusters. It's comfort food. Must also write about cars for my other gig.
"This man has no dick." Hit 'em again, Venkman!


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